Without question, the most socially and economically significant technological event of the last quarter-century has been the invention of the surrogate. As this paper will show, never before in human history has the consumer been offered a product capable of delivering such a dramatic personal change. The ramifications of the surrogate’s rapid assimilation into everyday living can be witnessed in virtually every facet of culture, particularly in the United States where in the twenty years since their introduction the portion of the adult population that either owns or has operated a surrogate has risen to an astounding 92%. With surrogate technology in a constant state of refinement, there is no evidence to suggest this trend will be reversed. The improvements and transformations enjoyed by the operating public are here to stay, which leaves us with the question: What, if anything, remains to be overcome?

☛ LASLO Wiliam PhD (2054). “Paradise Found. Possibility and fullfillment in the age of the surrogate”, Journal of Applied Cybernetics. Full paper in PDF.

“Paradise found…” is a fictional paper appearing in the first volume of the comic book series The Surogates, created and written by Robert Venditti. The film was adapted into a movie by Jonathan Mostow, starring Bruce Willis.

Screenshot fo the header of the fictional 'Journal of Applied Cybernetics' featured in the comic series The Surrogates
Screenshot fo the header of the fictional Journal of Applied Cybernetics featured in the comic series The Surrogates.

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