H.264 Video Available For Playback

MeFeedia: “HTML5 Video Available on the Web – October Update”, by Frank C. Sinton, October 27th, 2010

  • 54% of web video is now available for playback in HTML5. Double in 5 months.
  • Flash remains the dominant player within desktop environments.
  • Mobile is driving HTML5 video adoption. HTML5 compatible (H.264 mostly) video is the most common format for mobiles (inc. iPhone, iPad and Android).
  • Publishers & platforms now offer iframe embeds, allowing them to switch players dynamically, depending on the access device.

About MeFeedia:

MeFeedia.com is a media search website founded in 2004 that features videos, TV shows, movies, and music among other material. (Wikipedia)

First spotted via Daring Fireball

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