Only one thing matters: learning to be the loser

The Trouble With Being Born, Emil M. Cioran, trans. Richard Howard, New York: Arcade Publishing, [1973] 1976, p. 121.

The book De l’inconvénient d’être né was first published in 1973, and later included in Oeuvres (Paris: Gallimard, coll. Quarto, 1995), where the aphorism above appears on p. 1346:

Une seule chose importe : apprendre à être perdant.

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Screenshot of an aphorism in Cioran’s collection 'The Trouble With Being Born' which reads “Only one thing matters: learning to be the loser”
The Trouble With Being Born, Emil M. Cioran, trans. Richard Howard, New York: Arcade Publishing, [1973] 1976, p. 121.

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