“Alphabetum Graecum” (cropped) by Johann Theodor Bry, 1596.

Harvard Library: Alphabeten vnd aller Art Characteren, “Alphabetvm Græcv” (cropped), published in Franckfurt by Johann Theodore and Johann Israel de Bry, Anno M.D.XCVI (1596). HOLLIS no. 007303732.

Two more similar images are available online via the HOLLIS catalogue (same link). They are part of a larger portfolio described as follows:

Consists of letterpress title-page within ornamental engraved border (verso blank), nine pages of letterpress introduction, and fifty-one leaves of engraved samples of alphabets in various languages and lettering styles.

Theodor de Bry (1528-1598) was a Flemish-German engraver and editor. One can browse more of his work over at the Art Institute of Chicago.

I first came accross this document while browsing the Houghton Library blog.


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