AR―You have never expressed an opinion on war, never written an anti-war theory.

FK–At my one and only five-minute meeting with Jürgen Habermas, it was in Amsterdam, he took me aside and reproached me, saying my historical analyses were okay, but I had never showed any commitment to a cause.

AR–In 1968 when the students in Freiburg were demonstrating against Vietnam, you brandished a sign with the Heidegger solution: “Being and Time”. A conscious distancing?

FK–Yes. As a child you cannot imaging how fascinated I was by Napoleon. “We only have ourselves to draw upon”, an interview with German media theorist, Friedrich Kittler, who died on 18 October, by Andreas Rosenfelder. The interview originally appeared in Welt am Sonntag on January 30, 2011.

This anecdote was confirmed to me by Andreas Rosenfelder in a personal email exchange in which he specified:

It was Kittler himself who painted and held the sign.

First found via Enowning.


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