An iconographic and text archive related to communication, technology and art.

2008 - 2025

☛ COTHAM, Frank (1999). The New Yorker 75th Anniversary Cartoon Collection, New York: Pocket Books, p. 11.

The caption reads:

We have to be missing twenty four hours before I consider us lost.

[Updated 2021.03.15] Read more about the career of Frank Cotham: “The Well-Drawn World of Frank Cotham” by Chris McCoy, Jan. 3, 2019.

His list of credits kept growing, but one prize continued to elude him. “I sent stuff to The New Yorker for 15 years before they ever published anything,” he says. “Every week, I would send them a pack of cartoons. I knew they weren’t going to buy anything. I would get a little rejection notice that said, ‘editors regret that we are unable to use the enclosed material.’ Then, after 15 years, they took one.”

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