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2008 - 2025

Avedon’s 8 x 10 portrait of his son, his father, and himself during a visit to Jacob Avedon’s home in Sarasota, Florida, August 9, 1969

Evidence 1944-1994 by Richard Avedon, Random House, 1994, p. 151: “Avedon’s 8″ x 10″ portrait of his son, his father, and himself during a visit to Jacob Avedon’s home in Sarasota, Florida, August 9, 1969”. © Richard Avedon Foundation.

This is the portrait of three different generations of men from the same family, each of them moving through life at different speed and in different direction, immobilized for a fraction of a second within the same frame.
From left to right: John Avedon, Jacob Israel Avedon (died in 1973) and Richard Avedon (died in 2004). The complete series of photos Richard Avedon took of his father can be found online at The Richard Avedon Foundation website.

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Previously: Avedon’s Instructions?

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