2008 - 2025

Come To Where The Flavor Is, Alex Gross, 2010

Alex Gross: “Come to where the flavor is”, oil on panel, 20.5” x 18”, 2010 (© 2010 Alex Gross)

Alex Gross is currently based in Los Angeles, California. In 1990, he received a BFA with honors from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. Since then, he has had six solo exhibitions at various galleries, and participated in dozens of group exhibitions across the globe.
In the summer of 2007, Alex’s first retrospective museum show was held at the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, California. Alex is a recipient of the prestigious Artists Fellowship from the Japan Foundation, and several faculty grants from Art Center College of Design. (Bibliography)

Three years ago, The Orange County Register ran an interesting paper on Gross’ art:

Of course, one might wonder how Gross arrives at some of his unusual scenarios. He offers a few hints through a couple of installations consisting of display cases filled with vintage photographs of Western and Japanese couples or single beauties, Asian movie magazines featuring post-war American actresses like Linda Darnell, Claudette Colbert and a very young Elizabeth Taylor, vintage flash cards for English learners and souvenir post cards from Japan. We also learn Gross got his inspiration from traditional and pop-culture as he observed them during frequent travel to Japan. As the comic book-inspired “Reminiscences,” 1999 suggests, stories robots, space colonies and romance have replaced tales of military heroes (The Orange COunty Register: “Alex Gross mixes art from many sources in Santa Ana show” by Daniel Walsh, August 2sd, 2007)

There’s more to learn about Alex Gross on Wikipedia.

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