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☛ Library of Congress / American Treasures: The New York Times, June 6, 1944, front page (from the Serial & Government Publications Division, item 68A.1)
General Dwight D. Eisenhower did not announce the Allied landings on the coast of France until 3:30 a.m on June 6, 1944. As the last edition of the day, this 6:00 a.m. extra edition of The New York Times carried the most complete D-Day coverage of any morning newspaper world-wide, replete with text and detailed maps of the Normandy. In addition to Raymond Daniel’s lead story, the front page includes NBC’s Wright Bryan’s coverage from a U.S. Ninth Air Force plane, providing one of the first eyewitness accounts of the airborne invasion.
Meanwhile in Times Square (New York), an electric marquee reads: “… COAST OF FRANCE UNDER STRONG…”
The photo also comes from the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Online Catalog: “New York, New York. Times Square and vicinity on D-Day” by Howard Hollem, Edward Meyer or MacLaugharie, 1 negative, nitrate, 4″ x 5″ (or smaller), June 6, 1944. Call number: LC-USW3- 054017-C. Permalink. No known restrictions.
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